we were moving mountains long before we knew we could..

October 11, 2010
'There can be miracles....if you believe...' Yes that is from the Prince of Egypt soundtrack and that song is SO TRUE. Sister Singer and I pray for miracles everyday and we believe they will come...and then THEY DO! Do you know what the definition of a miracle is? Welp in the bible dictionary on 2/3 of the way down it says 'a miracle is the natural results of the messiahs presence' (actually the bible dictionary officially says) 'the natural results of the Messiah’s presence among men' ... Isnt that COOL! The NATURAL RESULTS. Well its true, Sister Singer and I had an especially cool miracle on Saturday night......
We were on our way home...we stay out until 9pm everynight, so we were walking through the cobblestone gorgeous innenstadt, quaint little city a few streets away from our little apartment and we saw two people in front of us. so we had to pick which one to ansprach...I said 'okay, old guy or young guy?' We went with the young guy. We proceeded to ansprach him and bore our testimony of God and his love for us and asked him what he believed in....he started giving us a somewhat normal response that most people give without a religious backround..'yeah I dont believe in God..' but we kept talking...and kept talking....HE then asked if we wanted to take a seat on the bench. (Yeah! I know! NO ONE does that) and so we did and proceeded to ask him what it would mean to him to know he has a heavenly father who loves him, etc etc, he asked questions like 'how could God help us?' 'why then are there so many religions?' (Yeah I KNOW- GOLD RIGHT?) oh and ps this was all in like the FASTEST German ive ever heard...anyway we talked to him for about 25 minutes and then said 'well we would love to meet with you and explain this a little more, and help you build your relationship with God and teach you how to pray etc' and he (in the most sincere response ive ever heard) 'ya. Gern!' he then said something like 'wow i cant believe you would do that for me, like super grateful that we would offer to help him with that....of course we responded 'well of course! That is why we are here!' We exchanged numbers and said 'okay well we will call you sometime next week!' and he said, 'yeah Monday.' Wow. MIRACLE RIGHT!?! So there are really prepared people and the natural result of the lord's presence among us. So please pray for Felix and his progress!

The other very important miracle Sister Singer and I witnessed this week....we made 7 layer dip! haha...well attempted to...without refried beans, taco seasoning, or guacamole....but it was GREAT! We both had been craving it and we took some pictures, hope I can get them to you, it was a great dip and you Americans should be proud. So last p-day Sister Singer and I took a train 45 minutes outside of Frieberg to a small place called Holzau right by the Czech boarder and walked through the forest...it was SO BEAUTIFUL, HUGE trees, fall leaves, definitely 'sweatshirt' weather and we walked by a river and saw sheep and even went to the boarder and took some pictures but DONT WORRY I didnt leave the country :) Hope I can get those pictures to you as well....
TODAY we were invited to go with this awesome temple missionary couple, The Streulings, on their P-day adventures with a cool German brother from our ward, Bruder Liepsure. We went to the 'Switzerland of Germany' where the Elba river turns and there is a really cool hike/view of the GORGEOUS green, German land. It was a little foggy/misty and then the sun burned it off and it was perfect crisp weather. We had a great time being lead by the seasoned Bruder Liepsure and laughing at our American traditions of having to take pictures every 5 steps.....and it wasnt only me, it was all 4 of us Americans...it was gorgeous, the views reminded me of the grand canyon, except for not red and a LOT more trees. Hopefully you can see pictures. It was so beautiful and I really felt the spirit looking at the beautiful views. 

If you come here, youve got to go see the Sweiz of Sachsen.. We then went to a cool 'summer castle' of August the Strong who was the ruler of Sachsen forever ago, and there is a 3 mile long park with gorgeous trees and a maze made out of hedged bushes right along the Elba river...it was such a blast and a blessing to be with such friendly loving people!!
We have the FUNNIEST experiences every Thursday evening at 6:00---- ENGLISH CLASS! haha, its hilaroius. 6-9 German men and women between 40-60 years old talking about what they are wearing, what color their vests are and trying to order food in English is a HOOT! My favorite two lines have been.... 'So you could just call a clock...a WALL WATCH?' haha. Well...yes I guess you could! and also we went around the room after teaching these people how to order off the menu asking them what they would like to order....we got through about 5 of them and then sweet Gesila proceeded to give her order....and ended with saying something like 'and for deesert I would like a sleese of pee.' . . .  hahahaha yes she meant to say 'a slice of pie' but the germans pronounce the second vowel so it came out sleese of pee. Oh it was so hard to keep a straight face and say yeah, so close, actually its sLICe of piE. Oh it was great, I sure do love them. 

We had a really mission altering, testimony altering experience last wednesday...we had an appointment with a young guy Alex to whom we gave a Book of Mormon and set a return appt with...so this last week was the return appt and he said he had a strong feeling that the Book of Mormon wasnt true, that it was actually dangerous and proceeded to tell us . . .  well why he thought that. It was sad but also so exciting to bear my testimony boldly and with the spirit of the absolute truthfulness of the Book of Mormon and the joy that the contents of that book have brought to my family and the truthfullness of a living prophet and a living church with the priesthood! The power of the Lord on the Earth! Alex was trying to have us prove the Book of Mormon and its validity by the facts and the physical information that we have today and I was almost embarassed by the little I knew about the FACTS of the Book of Mormon-how many pages, how long it took Joseph Smith to translate it, where the plate are now, where exactly lehi and nephi actually lived on the American Continient when they got here etc etc and then I realized thost things...arent important. We arent taught those facts in the Missionary Training Center. We dont try and physically prove the validity of the Book of Mormon to people. Its through spiritual validation that we know if its truth. We are taught in the MTC how to introduce the Book of Mormon and how someone can know of its absolute truthfulness is a personal testimony from our Heavenly Father himself of its truth, through the Holy Ghost. That is the only way. Not by the historical facts, etc, no one can gain a testimony by the facts, but only through the spiritual personal experience of knowing its truth through the feelings of the spirit....so warm and so big throughout the whole body it almost feels like your body cant contain the joy and peace and excitement of knowing and FEELING the truth and along with that the knowledge of our Father in Heavens existance and eternal and infinite LOVE for us. Wow and that is what I get to think about, talk about, pray about, all day long every day.....wow the mission is THE BEST!
I am so blessed to be here in gorgeous Freiberg and to have Sister Singer, to experience miracles like finding people looking for a relationship with God, but not knowing where to find it....like Felix. Its going to be another exciting week, we have invited Kristina and Li to start praying about baptism and Ding Ge is coming to Institute this Thursday with Sandy! Wahooooo the work is growing and the kindom is being built all over, especially here in Freiberg!

Thank you for the love and letters, congrats to Hailey Schroeder getting MARRIED ON OCTOBER 21st!! Hollie GOT HER MISSION CALL!! and Topher didnt DIE in a scooter accident! What a great week :) Who knows what miracles this week will bring....... . . . .
-Sister Rasmussen

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