Früling! Spring!!

The sun is coming out and the sky is staying blue, birds are singing and people are ready and waiting to hear the gospel over here in our little part of the vineyard. Did I tell you Im staying with Sister Forsyth and im THRILLED. We are teaching so many incredible people and finding new people to teach everyday! Its really great having this new focus and motivation to put in our very best, to talk to as many people as we can and follow the spirit. I feel so blessed to get to know these people here and to see miracles every day!
Last week we had stake conference and had 14 of us on the train together, 3 of them being investigators! We had a great time and Hany and Christian really enjoyed it! Hany is making great progress, he reads the Book of Mormon on the train and is in 2 Nephi, he said 'Ich braugh dich alle zeit' ('I need the every hour') has been stuck in his head for the past 4 days! He is so great! He said his first prayer in German the other day, (obviously normally prays in Arabic) and it was beautiful, he thanked Heavenly Father for the light he has in his life and asked God to help him open his heart and to have more light. To learn more. he is praying and working right now to get a self confirmation about the restoration and of the prophet Joseph Smith. The spirit was strong after his prayer and we are excited to show him the scriptures in the Bible to reconfirm that the restoration was referred to in the bible. He is such a spiritual guy and so Christlike. He is a great friend to everyone he meets and I just feel so honored to get to be the missionary to teach him, I feel like he is my brother and its these relationships we are building that I know go into eternity. 
Yesterday was probably one of the bigger miracles, we went to bahnhof and met Hany and Manfred to take the train to church and as we were sitting on the train we got a call from Christian, who we have only taught 3 times, he came to stake conference last week and we hadnt had contact with him all week, but Sunday morning on the train we got a call from him saying he wanted to come to church and that he would drive to Eisenhüttenstadt to meet us there. We later found out he had just finished working the night shift but still came to CHURCH! What a great sign of faith....we had a separate class with Sister Forsyth and I and Hany and Christian and taught about Faith, Repentance, and Baptism and was a great lesson and then Hany proceeded to tell Christian about the Word of Wisdom (which Christian hadnt been taught yet) but by the end of it Christian said he wanted to stop and Hany gave testimony 'das es is ganz einfach' its so simple, to quit and gave hima  lot of encouragement. It was great watching our golden intestigator teach our other investigator to be more like Christ...not only be like Christ but live a principle of the restored gospel. WOW! I feel so honored to get to be the missionary to be here! Did I already say that? Its the truth. There is nothing more incredible then seeing these people change. . . talking with our new member Schwester Zimmer about the temple and seeing her excitement and talking to the branch president with her about getting a recommend. These are experiences that I will never forget. I love being a missionary and am loving this area, thank you so much for your love, and prayers and Im so happy everyone is heathy and doing well! Have a great week!
Liebe, Sister Rasmussen


All I can say is Danke. Thank you so much for all the birthday love. I haven't felt so surrounded by love ever before. I am so grateful for the postcards and letters and packages. You are the greatest family and friends a missionary could ask for!! I was very spoiled as well by my missionary mother, Sister Singer. She and I got to go on a tausch last week and she spoiled me too! She made me a peanut butter cake, presents and lots of motivation for the next stretch of my mission. It was such a great 'pick me up' and on top of that she 'kidnapped me' on Pday, and while the other sisters went shopping, she surprised me with an appointment with a member in Berlin who said she would do my hair for freeeee! I felt so pampered and I forgot how great it feels to get the hairs done. :) THANKS SISTER SINGER!
I was also spoiled the day of my birthday, I saved all the letters to open on the day of and was so grateful for the drawings, notes and pictures from you all. Sister Forsyth made me pancakes and I BECAME A 'mother' for a week! on my birthday we got sent 2 golden sisters who just came to the mission the day before from the preston MTC! One, Sister Svoboda is from Switzerland and the other, Sister Uhlig is from Frankfurt am Mein. So we get to be trainers from Thursday to Wednesday morning. SO we all went to Eisenhüttenstadt and Rosel had Yvonne and Sister Heitbreder come over and they baked me a cake and I got flowers and felt so loved. We then split up and did some work and then met up at Schwester Zimmers place and she made me a cake as well! I sure love her and she gave me a little present with 'forget me not' flowers. I am so excited to know these people for eternity. We then had a great day of lessons and in the evening we had 'gemiko' aka our meeting with Ahmed who is our ward mission leader and afterwards Heny and Ola came in and they celebrated my birthday with me too! They put me in the other room and turned off the lights and lit candles, and then brought me in and sang I love these people so much!  

So we get to split up all the work we had to do and it really was an answer to prayer. There is so much to do in this area and not enough time or missionaries to do it! SO now we had double power and got 31 lessons taught! Its been cool because president asked us to switch off the goldens so they could learn from both of us and its cool to see them so excited and motivated to do the work!
We saw a lot of miracles, of course Heny is the golden investigator surprising us everyday with miracles. He gave up coffee, he really doesnt even know why because we havent taught word of wisdom yet, but he said his boss brought him a cup of coffee and he told him he doesnt drink it anymore....and the boss insisted so Heny told us he dumped it out when the guy wasnt looking hahaha. Oh wow I wish you could meet this guy, I really am laughing alll day long over what he says. These Egyptians of mine are really like family, they are so hilarious. I wish you could listen to a conversation with us. Anyway, we were so excited because yesterday we had stake conference in Berlin and we had 3 investigators come! Heny of course with Ola and Ahmed, Ahmed bought him a white shirt and a tie and he looked sharp. Then our new investigator Christian showed up too in a suit! We have only taught Christian twice but he is so open and I am so excited too see what happens with him! He was born in Frankfurt and works hard and loves his family, he hasnt ever had any religion and said he would be baptized when he knew it was true and could talk to some other members, So he came to stake conference and seemed to really enjoy it, he stayed afterwards and ate with us and the Zimmermans, and Heny stayed with us as well! Then this sweet old grandma came in and started telling them (both Heny and Christian) she knew both of them have good hearts and she can see it in her eyes, she told them to just open their hearts and listen to the spirit and they would be blessed. She was so cute. We then taught Heny the plan and we went to a baptism in Dahlem so Heny could see it, he is still waiting for an answer that Joseph Smith is a prophet, so he is taking his Book of Mormon on the train everyday this week and said he will pray. Its such an incredible aspect of missionary work to be able to PROMISE an answer to their prayer. I love telling investigators, you dont just have to believe our words, if you pray about what we have said, you will know for yourself it is the truth. Ah its so incredible teaching people about the spirit and helping them feeling the strong warm feeling of our Heavenly Father's presence.
We also had TRANSFER CALLS this past Friday and I am staying here! It will be my 3rd transfer here and Im staying with Sister Forsyth, it will be her last transfer on her mission! So we have a lot of work to do and a lot of miracles to see. I am excited to stay with her, I feel myself being stretched as a missionary and growing spiritually, we know how to work best with each other and to push each other so I am very grateful to stay. Especially to get to stay with this ward. Some other news, Sister Singer is going to 'white wash' in Cottbus with Sister Kitterman (a sister I was with in the MTC) so theyll still be close but not in the same district, ahh that was such a fun blessing, we are already figuring out a pday plan. :)
I am feeling so blessed, feeling the Lord guide our plans and our lessons. I feel so honored to be called a servant of the Lord and to meet these incredible people on the way. I have changed so much already and hope to keep improving. I have felt a new motivation from being with these new goldens! There is nothing better to do with our time then to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. To help people change their lives to follow Christ, to strive to be perfect and to umkehr when we make a mistake, to use the gift of the atonement which is constantly given to us. To lift up everyone around us and make them appreciate the fact they met us and to hopefully have felt the spirit when they were with us, I hope you are having some cool missionary experiences back there at home, and know how much I love you! I felt so loved this past week and am so grateful, so so grateful for the motivation. I really loved something my mother sent me this week and would like to share it with you too....
Learn to like what doesn't cost much
Learn to like reading, conversation, music.
Learn to like plain food, plain service, plain cooking.
Learn to like fields, trees, brooks, hiking, rowing, climbing hills.
Learn to like people, even though some of them may be different   . . . different from you.
Learn to like to work and enjoy the satisfaction doing your job as well as it can be done.
Learn to like the song of birds, the companionship of dogs.
Learn to like gardening, puttering around the house, and fixing things.
Learn to like the sunrise and sunset, the beating of rain on the roof and windows, and the gentle fall of snow on a winter day.
Learn to keep your wants simple and refuse to be controlled by the likes and dislikes of others.
Entschuldigung my emails are so long and all over the place but I guess thats like life! Have a fantastic week and dont forget how much ich hab euch lieb!
LOVE YOU! Sister Rasmussen

'im like your little handbag.' -heny

WHERE TO START! I just finished the best week of my mission, or at least one of them. I have to tell you about the biggest miracle this week. His name is Heny Micheal.
SO Tuesday evening, we were standing on the gleis waiting for our bahn and realized we still hadnt made out an appointment with anybody, so we walked across the street and Heny was the first guy we talked to, right in front of Kaufland. We said we were from the church and we had a book for him and we would love to bring it by this week, he was so funny and so friendly, he said of course! He was pretty excited and we were as well, but really had no idea how much the Lord was guiding us...
So Thursday came and we showed up to our appt a little late after coming back from hütte, we had called him and he said, 'oh no worries I made some food but Ill just warm it up when you get here.' So we got there and it looked like he had been waiting all day for us, he made some INCREDIBLE FOOD and basically told us his whollllllle story.
Heny is from EGYPT. (incase you forgot our bestest friends are Egyptian, Ola and Ahmed, our ward mission leader and best friend...key thing to know is that they used to be Muslim and converted to the church and no one can know that in Egypt or they are in danger) Okay, so we were already so excited about them maybe knowing eachother, and yes they did know each other but Heny had NO idea they were members, he assumed they were Muslim. But Heny is Christian, in Egypt youre either born Muslim or born Christian and Heny was born christian. SO . . anyway, too much to say and so hard through email, but he told us he has 3 kids and has been in Germany for 4 years. His wife is crazy and he lives in a separate apartment but his children are HIS LIFE. He is the best father and every day goes to their apt and picks up the kids, takes them to kindergarten (they are 2,3 and 4) and then goes home and then picks them up when they are finished, cooks for them and plays with them til bed and then spends the whole weekend with them. But other than his children everything in his life is horrible. He had a dream life in Egypt before, he owned a buisness which had a front door 15 feet away from the ocean. He had friends and was close to his family. He loves his parents and loved his life there. He had a girl he was in love with but she was muslim and that was that, they couldnt do anythíng. SO they ended it and he met this other German lady there in Egypt and she basically used him to get back to Germany. SO now he has three kids he is in love with but a crazy lady as a 'wife' no friends, no job and he hadnt gone to church. He just recently got back in contact with that girl he was in love with years ago and she also had gone through a divorce. SO Heny decided a month or so ago that he would slowly cut off contact with his family back home and convert to be muslim so he could be with this girl. He would have to cut off contact with is friends and family that he loved and basically have nothing but this girl. The day after he had gotten in a little arguement with the girl back home...WE TALKED TO HIM. He said he knew that what he was considering was wrong and that we were sent from God to him to 'smack him in the back of the head' to stop him from that idea and he said I know thats not what I want, I love my friends and my family and most of all I love the Lord and Christ, I need your help to get back to God. We were there kind of late and asked if we could teach him...and he cut us off mid sentance and said (with hand gestures) 'Im like your little hand bag, you can set me here, you can move me here' hahaha, he said he will do anything we say and believe what we teach him because he knows God sent us to him. GOLD RIGHT!?! So as we were leaving (this is all after the first appt) we said, oh we brought that book for you in Arabic, we will come back tomorrow and explain it to you...(basically saying, dont read it we will come back and tell you more about it) BUT of course after we left he read the 3 and 8 witnesses at the beginning and then typed the title in arabic into google....du duh duh

Well the story gets better (and I cant wait to tell you in person one day about it because this email cant do it justice) So we went to him the next morningn and he said I read about the book and your church, you dont smoke drink coffee or tea or beer? So I quit smoking today! and I was debating throwing the rest of my beer out of the fridge or just getting rid of the last of it, whoever comes over can have water or juice or can just leave! Hahaha, mind you this man is HYSTERICAL I was laughing the entire appointment, feel like his sister. Anyway, yes youre right we havent even taught the man anything by this point and he's already committed to the word of wisdom! He then said one thing did bother me a little bit....the whole polygamy thing. We then explained it is forbidden now and he said oh good...if you had told me that was doctrine I would be a mormon today! But God did create Adam and Eve, not Adam and EveSSS. hahahah, bah he is so funny. You'll love him. SO we started teaching him about God and families and then he immediately asked so what do you do about baptism? so we talked about baptism, the spirit didnt say to invite him to be baptized just then,  so we talked more about prophets and started the Jospeh Smith story and he said, I really want to get this Joseph Smith story but I have to go pick up my kids so. . . when can you come back? (this was on Friday and he said he didnt have time on the weekends because he was with his kids, so we scheduled it for tuesday. We werent sure what to do about asking him to come to church but at the very last minute we said so what would you think about church? He said, where is it? what time does it start? Yeah I dont know if I can come this week but next week I will be there. . .
BUT the problem is we cant just invite him to church and have him walk in and see Ahmed blessing the sacrament! Doesnt work like that! So Ola knows him from this driving class and was praying a lot to know if she should tell him that she and Ahmed were members. She was going to see him Saturday morning and she told us that he just started talking to her about these two American girls that he met and he told her his whole situation....and long story short she told him by the end that she was 'one of them' hahaha, and he was so amazed and said he felt God so close, he felt that she was also another 'sign' that God was smacking him on the back of the head lol just guiding him and later that day we were at Ola's planning english and just going crazy wondering what is going to happen, so amazed that now he knows that Ola and Ahmed are members and then the doorbell rang...I said 'haha what if it were Heny' and IT WAS!!!!!! He came in and we were all laughing SO hard. He said, my kids are on the playgroud and I called you sisters and you didnt answer and I called Ola and YOU didnt answer, I WANT TO COME TO CHURCH tell me what time it is at! and we were all dying we were laughing so hard and he was like I have to go back to my kids what time is the bahn!?!? Bahh after he left I was rolling on the floor I was laughing so hard, such an incredible situation, and he is such a miracle. So yes. The lord has prepared people all over this world just walking around waiting for us to find them...
It was such an incredible experience Sunday morning meeting our neuebekehrt, Schwester Zimmer on the bahn, then seeing our other miracle Tamara get off the same bus as us, then meet Irena at the train station and watch Manfred walk up and then see Ola and Heny walking up the hill to the train station, all of us early in the morning catching a train to go worship the lord and go to church in Eisenhüttenstadt. It was so incredible, then sister Forsyth and I did splits and Irena and I went to a members house who had a car to go pick up Frau Hensel (our investigator with the baptisimal date, and one leg) We also had a lady from our English class show up at church and of course Bianke came too so we had 7 investigators at church! and a new member, Tamera who was the girl, Oh I DIDNT TELL YOU YET; we just talked to Tamera like everyone else we do on the street and she said, OH! LDS missionaries?! Im a member!! I was baptized in Kenya and ive been a member since 2008, but I dont know where the church is! So we invited her right there and she came and LOVED IT! Heny loved it too and bahhhh the Lord is just blessing us. IT was very nerve racking because I was giving a talk on that pressure or anything! but the lord guided it...
 I just talked about what heavenly father could have said to us as he held us in his arms and told us all the things he would give us, the earth, our family, our body, friends and somebody to help us know the exact path to return to him. I talked about how Christ is our perfect example.. if we just do our best following him then the Lord with bless us here and we will finally get back to our Heavenly Father and our families. I talked about how Heavenly Father told us that he will never leave us, he said something like 'I will always be right there my child, I love you so much and when you hear the truth I will let you know, I will give you a warm feeling inside and you will know it is from me, you will know you are doing the right things. SO we have found the right path and heavenly father will keep telling our spirits the little things we need to do to keep on the path, and once we hear the truth and know what we need to do, we need to DO IT. Just follow the sometimes uncomfortable promptings of the spirit and make the change we know we need to make because then we are showign our faith, whatever we are changing will make us better, more like Christ and we will be using the gift that Christ gave his life for, we will show our gratitude for this plan and for all the blessings we have when we make the small changes in our life to make us better. I know that that is true. I know the lord guides our every step and when we follow the spirit we are in his hands and we see miracles! I love this place so much, I cant believe all the success we are seeing and cant believe this email is so long, but you have to know! Its just so incredible being apart of this holy wonderous work, THANK YOU IMMENSELY FOR THE BIRTHDAY EMAILS AND LETTERS AND LOVE. Its going to be a grand week and we find out on Friday night about transfers, I must say I did not sign up for that side of a mission of having to leave these people who are in my heart, so I am praying to stay to see what happens here, to see the branch keep growing and growing, but I know whatever the Lord has in mind will be even greater! Hope you all have a fantastic week, and enjoyed reading this novel of an email :) Sorry, hope you can feel a little bit of the excitement and joy of MISSIONARY WORK! I love it here. I love being a missionary and highly recommend it.
Ich wünche euch eine schöne woche, bis später!
Liebe gruße, Sister Rasmussen 

what a good life

I must say, I have too cool of a family and they take all my email time, so sorry the report back isnt going to be as detailed as always, Its such a good life. Being a missionary is such an incredible calling. I highly recommend it. There is nothing more incredible then being good friends with your companion, bringing the best out of each other, to motivate each other to be obedient to then having the spirit work through us. We then get to speak with people on the street and through their klingel boxes boldly about the eternal love our Father in Heaven has for us. We get to bring people like Frau Hensel, who has sat alone in her house, with 6 kids who dont visit her anymore who now just has one leg, to come with us to church. She loved it. She felt so loved and said 'I think maybe I could make some friends here!' What a sweet woman. I must say there is nothing like seeing Frau Hensel smile. You see the child of God coming through her eyes, teaching her that she will see her man again, that she will have a perfect body one day. These are the blessings of a mission. 

We also had some hilarious lessons this week, one of them with Forster from Ghana. He said the closing prayer and told all the evil spirits to get out NOW of the room...I was laughing secretly so hard, he is such a stud...He also blessed everyone in the church, so hope you feel blessed because Forster prayed for you. He also has a handicapped leg, he was given a shot in the wrong spot when he was a little baby and now has no muscle in one leg, its so cool teaching these people that Heavenly Father has a plan for them! That the lord loves them and can help them. Ahhh, I wish I could convey to you the JOY I feel serving in this branch. These people really are family, I feel so loved, I plan on partying with these people for eternity, isnt this plan so celestially incredible? These relationships we are building on earth will last for forever! Its so great and comforting knowing that the Lord is guiding us, our every action and step if we are worthy and if we want it, so it really is simple. Angels are around us and the Lord just works through us. We are teaching a lot a lot of people and are very busy, Im feeling so blessed and the Lord is very close. I am grateful to have this chance to serve the Lord, like I said, I recommend it. Thanks for letting me just spill my thoughts, sorry there isnt too much specifically to report. We had Katrin come back to church and hasnt been there in months and it was her and Schwester Zimmer who were the big participants in FHV (relief society) so that was cool and then Yvonne, Schwester Zimmer's daughter (who was less active) bore her testimony powerfully of the atonement and talked about how she had helped someone else she knows realize that that is the point of life here on earth to keep overcoming the hard times and its possible because the Son of God went through it all. She also quit smoking! Did I tell you about that? We did the stop smoking workshop with her, 7 days of 15 steps, 2 of those being prayer and lots of grapefruit juice and she did it!

Yay. These are the miracles we are seeing here in Deutschland. Thanks for listening, Ill be back next week :) Have a great day and HAPPY MARCH!

Liebe gruße, Sister Rasmussen