Happy St. Nicolas Day!

December 6, 2010
Yes today is December 6th Nicolas tag, where all the kids last night polished their shoes and set them out for St. Nicolas to put in little treats and toys. We think a member might be doing something for us to celebrate, but we shall see.
The Germans definitely know how to celebrate Christmas. . . The Christmas Market is a dream, and all the windows have lit 'schwipbogens' inside, which is a wooden carved scene with candles and it looks so charming. I love serving in Freiberg during the Christmas season. We talk to the people about Christ and his love for us and the real purpose of all these celebrations and its almost ridiculous how many people don't know the real reason they are celebrating. Luckily we are here to remind them. Sister Scruggs and I are working hard and talking to lots of people on the street, at the stop lights, waiting in lines, and as we talk to them then ask them if they know anyone else who would be interested in finding more joy and happiness in life. Its such a blessed calling and I cant seem to hold all the blessings I feel..
It's sometimes hard, but the trial of our faith always has blessings, the joy we feel from teaching a good lesson and inviting someone closer to Christ is so worth the silly hours of walking through the snow klingling door after door after door. It's a good thing though, I decided I like serving the German people, they don't waste time, they are either interested or they aren't and then we move on! Very time efficient.
(saran wrapped feet to keep them dry.. it worked!)
So we are teaching Xiang, he is our baptismal candidate and has a goal for the 18th. We just taught him the Word of Wisdom last week and he doesn't smoke, he doesn't like drinking and definitely doesn't do drugs. He just had an issue with the fact that he wants to be able to have the choice to....so we decided it's such a good thing he is taking it seriously! But his excuses are so lame, he will get over them quickly. Also he hadn't prayed about it, so we know he will get a confirmation of the truth of it. It was a sad appt. for me though. This is my first time to be so close to a baptism and feel the struggle. So I said, "Well it's just like the most hopeless thing I've heard." And Sister Scruggs said, "Well it's one of the most hopeful things I have seen!" (She's been out almost a year.) We also noted it's my first time at all to help someone who is so close, so it is the most hopeful thing! The point is I just need to have more faith and look at it with the glass half full, not half empty. Its such a testimony builder committing him to pray about it. We cant convince these people of anything, we just tell them the truth and then they find it out for themselves... the Holy Ghost is such a vital part of this work and that is why being obedient is so important so we can teach with the spirit and then they will feel it. I am so blessed to be here and to be able to teach these things to people...Xiang especially.

We took Xiang to Dresden because a stake president from Taiwan was speaking and he really liked it. You could tell he was taking it really seriously and personally applying it. I am so excited to see what will happen with him but either way I just know the Lord is working through us in ways we see and sometimes in ways we don't see. But through it all we just have to have faith and be worthy and put in our best and that is all he needs.
I am so grateful to have the gospel and to have you to support me while I am out here. I hope you are feeling the Lord's love during this Christmas season - and don't feel too sad about missing out on a Christmas in Germany. Luckily the most important thing isn't these worldy things, but to think of Christ and his birth, his life and his atonement for us. We can do that wherever we are. It brings so much JOY to know of his love and presence in our lives, hope we can all remember that with all the distractions... Have a great week and know I and the Lord love you dearly!!

Top 10 reasons I am grateful for my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

1. I am never alone
2. I can repent and start anew every day, and every week with the sacrament
3. I can pray in his name and get immediate comfort
4. I can do holy things in his name that will one day lead me back to my Heavenly Father and even with my family - my 5 best friends - too!
5. I can read The Second Testiment of him, the Book of Mormon and learn what I need to do now to have joy and comfort through anything and everything in this life.
6. I can feel his presence and love when I make right decisions or pray for his guidance through the Holy Ghost.
7. I can testify of him to others which then strengthens my own testimony.
8. I can have him as a constant, and draw on my faith in him through every trial or hard time, as well as all the good times too! Knowing He is there makes all the good times even better.
9. I am grateful for my faith in him because it is my reason to make any decision, to just look to his example and know what I should do, in every situation, now and forever.
10. It gives me my identity, my reason for living, to be who I am now and motivation for who I want to become.

Sister Rasmussen

94.7 the waaaaavvveeee. - Hope that means as much to you as it does to me my family!

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