thou shalt live together in love - DC 42:45

Thou shald live together in love...what a glorious commandment. I think its one of my favorites, you? What a cool thing to work on, where ever and whoever we are with we should live together with love. I have a strong testimony of love and missionary work. Everything about a mission becomes easy if it is done with love. and I guess the mission is just a 'miny life' so everything in life can be easy too when done with love. Its easy to forgive if you are filled with love, easy to get up at 6:30 when you love the work and love the lord and just want to be obedient. Its easy to talk to a random person on the street because you are filled with love and just want them to have the same joy you have from living the gospel. BAH! This plan our Heavenly Father has made for us is just one love filled moment after another... and I have a strong testimony of that, especially from my experiences this last week!
Oh can I just tell you something amazing? There is a white dress hanging to dry from our bunk bed right now, which we just washed last night, which Schwester Zimmer tried on after sacrament meeting yesterday!!!!! This has been the most incredible experience teaching her for the past month and a half! She is such a sweet little lady and I hope you get to meet her someday. There have been a couple DISTINCT miracles that we really have felt the Lord guiding us. May I tell them to you? Thank you...

So Frau Zimmer has been cancer free for almost a year now, but there is something wrong with her weak immune system and she cant figure out what it is, she has been praying for a solution and help....WELL (here comes the miracle, hope it makes sense to you) last week was her first week at church. I went up and played the little organ keyboard piano thing for some prelude and I prayed 'Nearer my God to thee.' After I had finished I sat down next to Frau Zimmer and she said, 'Hey I have a keyboard at home will you play it for me?' I said 'Of course!'  and so the next day we went to teach her and we walked in and she said 'im dead.' haha, we were like 'uh...what?' and she said, well this morning I was moving things around to find that keyboard so you could play it...' and it was right next to her bed under the window, and as she moved everything out of the way she found mold all over the wall underneath the window which had been covered up by the keyboard etc... let me remind you Frau Zimmer is a very clean very organized person, and this mold had been coming in from the windowsill underneath the wall....she had been sleeping RIGHT NEXT TO IT! That has been what has been keeping her so sick, and sh found it and moved out of that room and will start feeling better! The lord showed it to her because she wanted to find the keyboard! We definitely thought it was a miracle. She also loved that song because she said she has heard it before, and its on titanic? So we are going to sing that song at her baptism. Awww.
There have been some other smaller miracles that we have wintessed as Frau Zimmer has made such quick strong progress. SO Frau Zimmer has a very good knowledge of the bible and was a little nervous at the beginning about the warnings in the bible of false prophets and people that said they would have healing power etc. As we had talked about the priesthood, she believed it was restored but still wasnt convinced of the power of the laying on of hands with the priesthood blessing... (she hadnt told us this) Okay there is the backround. SO we have scripture class on Wednesdays and she was excited to come, I called her that day and told her the chapter we were reading so she could have a little backround and not be too confused. So I told her to read Jacob 5. WELL, scripture class ended up being cancelled, but we still went to teach her and as we walked in she said, I read that chapter! and I got goosebumps!! (we were super confused because Jacob 5 is really long and its a analogy of the olive tree, not TOO exciting unless you really study it) She then opened up the bible and opened to James (which is Jakobus in German) and we said, that isnt the scripture I told you! She said, well I thought that maybe you said it wrong and smiled at me haha, so she read Jakobus (james) 5 and at the end of that chapter is a verse about calling upon the elders of the church when you are sick for a blessing! and she knew that it was God answering her prayer! She thought I said another chapter and so my weakness of German became a strength in helping her realize that the priesthood power is real and she then asked us if she could have a 'krankensegen' (priesthood blessing) So the next day Ahmed and Manfred (Ahmed is our best friend from Egypt who is our ward mission leader, and Manfred is the old man who looks like a bird who comes and teaches Herr Klinke with us) and they came and she was at first a little shy because there were now 4 people there in her little kitchen, but we got laughing especially about a paper on her fridge of 'Achmed the Terrorist' an act a comedian does... which Ahmed loves and thinks is hilaroius, so that was good to break the ice, and then she got to tell them her story, and how she met us and the miracles we have seen together so far and we felt the spirit so strong together, and then Ahmed asked if we could read a scripture together and it was Jakobus 5 so we smiled and told him the miracle of that scripture too and then Manfred and Ahmed gave her a beautiful blessing. She was so filled with joy, she was just beaming....she then said...sorry but I dont know if I can come to church tomorrow, I want to so badly but my son is sick and I dont feel that it is right to leave to go to church and leave my son sick at home....and of course we understood that, except she has to got to church 2 times before she can be baptized!!! So we prayed and prayed and Ahmed also prayed and Sunday morning we went by and she buzzed us in and opened the door and she was beaming and said His fever is gone! He's all better! I can come to church!!! So we had an amazing time and we all were so excited she got to come, and she loved FHV and sacrament mtg, and they announced her baptism and invĂ­ted everybody to come, OH we are so blessed! We then went and tried on baptisimal clothes and we are just so stoked and filled with the spirit!
Sorry there is too much to write and I hope you can feel the excitement and joy we are feeling, and of course our other investigators are making steady progress as well! Because we think of missionary work like an escalator, not like an elevator...we dont just take one or two to the top and then go back down to find someone else, but its a continual process and we send lots of people to the top (baptism) one after the other after the other. So thats the plan! Lots of love and joy here, hope there is lots of love there at home!! I sure love you and miss you and I am so grateful for the love I feel from the family, cant wait to be together forever! Thank you dearly for the planner pages you sent to sister singer, I read them every day, and tear up sometimes :) You're the best :) Happy week!
-Sister Rasmussen.

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