Say 'weist du' really fast....well it sounds like 'veissduh?' That is the new funny word around these parts. You know in America how a lot of people say 'Ya know?' Well thats what it is in German, and people say it alllllll the time! We were laughing pretty hard, Sister Forsyth and I about the German diolect changes and how it really takes living here to understand it. There are many differences between the 'sechish' German we both learned down in Sachsen and now are hearing a different slang up here by Berlin. Its fun to see what rubs off and what we throw into our street contacting and even when we are talking to each other! I lately need to keep pinching myself because Im starting to forget Im in Germany! Its really starting to feel like home and very natural. I hope to keep the excitement of 'newness' and anticipation because that makes life more exciting. Its such a blessing to be with Sister Forsyth who also has this excitment about being by Berlin and re-realizing we are SISTER MISSIONARIES IN GERMANY! When did this happen? Werent we just 16 yesterday?
I thought I would share a little about the feelings I had before I was signing up for this incredible adventure. All I knew was that it would be a cool experience for me and that my mom had served a mission and that its a big sacrifice. I wanted of course to do what is right, to serve the Lord and to be an instrament in his hands in building the kingdom. I had no clue that I was signing up to really help people CHANGE. Yeah I heard all the stories and people told me their experiences but now I AM HERE and these people are changing because of the message we are bringing! The action of walking up to a person and telling them who we are and that we know how and were to find eternal joy and bliss and ask them what it would mean to them to have this eternal joy as well. To then see their hope in their eyes and make out an appointment! Bah, there is nothing cooler. That happened the other night. Sister Forsyth was on the phone with a guy we are trying to get in contact with, and this guy was walking down the street. He looked a little 'down' and I stopped him and said 'Hallo, wir sind von der Kirche Jesu Christi und wir sprechen mit menschen über Freude, und wie wir freude in dieses leben finden können.' He said he didnt have any joy and I said we would love to meet with him and explain to him how we can find joy and peace in our relationship with our Heavenly Father. He set up an appt with us and its those experiences that I didnt know I would be living. I didnt realize I would tell a 50 year old man that he can find joy in his relationship with God, but I did and he wants to learn more! What an incredible work our Heavenly Father has called us to do, if anyone is questioning a mission and needs a push...well here it is! There is nothing more rewarding or nothing better we can do with our time then meet with people and tell them the Church of Jesus Christ is restored and we have a REAL LIVE PROPHET on the earth today!
Its these little experiences and little steps of progress that make up this 'marvelous work.' That is what I have grown a testimony of lately ....the little things.
Doctrine and Covenants 64:33
Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small thingsproceedeth that which is great.Its the waking up at 6:30 and popping out of bed, choosing to talk to that person next to you, giving that person a hug just because, choosing to be happy, doing the little things, like going and visiting these people and asking them to say the prayer, its these small things that make up this marvelous work! I cant really put into words the excitement that I have about missionary work, but I hope you can feel it. It is such a perfect work that is being brought about by the weak, and Sister Forsyth and I like to think of it literally, she and I are both 5'2 and so we thing out of 'small people proceedeth that which is great.' Well that is the goal, and when we do these small things with the spirit then GREAT things are made, and well....there is so much love felt in this work. Its so worth serving a mission, not only worth it, but a really silly idea not to go, there are so many people changed and affected and so much love and joy experienced, I cant imagine life without it now.
Haha, I sure hope this love and joy you are feeling at home as well as you make the little decisions to follow Christ and to help people around you, because there is satisfaction in thoroughness and to be thorough we need to look at the fine details and change the little things and then we are satisfied and the Lord then blesses us even more! BAH! Its so complex and so lovely, arent we so blessed to have a knowledge of this love!?!? Ahhh I need to go find more people and tell them!
Speaking of people that dont have a knowledge of these things....or whole countries that dont know. Egypt is in big trouble. Ola and Ahmed (the awesome Egyptians in our ward who we know and love) have been updating us about their home country and we need to pray and fast for them. Their families both live in Cairo and apparently communication is almost all cut off and people cant get in our out? Im sure you could find out at a click of a mouse more than I have found out (can I tell you how odd it is not really knowing what is going on in the world?) but your prayers would be appreciated for the Egyptian leaders and for these problems to come to an end. It is such a blessing I didnt even know I had to be able to wear garments and pray and worship freely, and these people cant do that. So another blessing to count!
I sure hope you have a lovely week and know how much I love you and pray for you my loved ones! This experience is life changing and anyone questioning going needs to jump in with two feet and know they will be carried and taken care of by angels, the whole time.
Remember: out of small things proceedeth that which is great.
-Sister RasmussenPictures:Yesterday us cooking with Rosel Rudow and we all got cute aprons!
Also we bought this weird orange fruit to see what was inside or how to eat it, it was GREEN inside and full of wierd gooey seeds....dont recommend it :) but a funny moment thats for sure. Oh and youll notice a peanut butter jar with a spoon coming out of it....yes Im still not over my peanut butter craze.
In Berlin there is this brick path that shows where the wall used to be, one pair of those feet were in West Berlin and the other pair in East Berlin. Cool history here.
Hallo Sister Rasmussen,
ReplyDeletewas für ein toller Blog und ein lustiges Foto in meiner Küche. Meine Tochter hat meinen Namen gegooglet und diesen Blog gefunden. Kannst Du mir bittte einen Gefallen tun und bitte nur meinen Vornamen hier benutzen? Bitte nicht böse sein, ist damit mich nicht jeder finden kann ;) Ich hoffe sehr das es Dir zu Hause gut geht und Du glücklich bist. Ich freue mich sehr Dich bald wiederzusehen.
Liebe Grüsse Rosel