There is nothing more incredible than seeing people change to be more like our Savior. Yesterday was one of the best Easter Sunday's of my life (and by the sound of things, one of the most memorible Easter Sunday's of Natalies life!) Congratulations my cousin of mine! We had a great meeting and felt the spirit so strongly talking of course about our Savior Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for us. How it is only because of him and his giving up his life for us, that we can be healed, we can be sealed together for eternity with our families, only because of him that we can be perfectly clean to live with our loving Heavenly Father again. That is the most important thing, and to know that he loves us so much enough to appear to Joseph Smith and to restore his church again for us, to give us the holy scriptures to have an assurity that he has been and will be the same yesterday, today and forever.
It was incredible feeling the spirit so strong and being there with our lovely recently baptized Schwester Zimmer and Hany. . . Oh I didnt tell you, he wanted to be baptized when it was Easter in Egypt which he thought was this Saturday so we postponed it a week and he is doing great. Of course before any good decision we make there is always opposition, so he is dealing with that now but he is doing great and the Lord is taking care of him. We had an incredible lesson with him yesterday and talked about all the JOY that he has felt, all the love he has felt now from our Heavenly Father through the Book of Mormon and through the meetings at church is all possible only through Joseph Smith because it all was RESTORED through him.....not rebuilt through him or fixed through him, Joseph Smith didnt fix what truths were already on the earth, he RESTORED the exact church Christ had, with his power and that POWER is on the earth today, it is through that power that we can be forgiven, that we can be comforted through blessings, we can be SEALED for FOREVER, its through that power that we can be clean every week and keep improving striving to be closer to our savior. WOW, arent we SO blessed!?!
Im so blessed to have been serving with Sister Forsyth, she has worked hard til the very end and she goes home next Tuesday, we have transfer calls on Saturday morning and we're thinking im going to become senior companion, bah. Its going to be a good time Im already so pumped to find some more people, more people should get out here and try this mission thing, it doesnt get better!!!
Oh I didnt even tellyou about the miracle we had when we went to go visit Hany's soon to be ex wife to get her permission to let Hany be baptized. There was NO way, no way at all, we just knew that this is all in the Lords hands, I havent prayed that hard in a long time. but we went in with a member and ah my heart was pounding when we knocked on the door, she was very agressive and spoke a billion miles an hour and it was a little hard to bring the spirit, but we kept bearing testimony, and asked the question what she would have against Hany being baptized, and she said 'its egal what he does' meaning It doesnt matter to me....totally a miracle, and the Lord definitely blessed us. So all is clear and the plan is Saturday at 2:00, at a lake by Eisenhüttenstadt, Ahmed will Baptize Hany......what a dream. I dont know why I got blessed to be here to know these people to got to have found, taught and baptize Hany but I can say there has been nothing better in my life. Missionary work is the greatest! So much joy and love and feeling the spirit so often! Bah! Im so grateful for this gospel and to have such stellar family and friends supporting me through it all, THANKS family for the Easter Package, the peanut butter was the best!! Sister Forsyth said she's never seen me so happy. AHH Isnt life good?! Life is good, the Lord loves us, I love you,it will all be good in the end, we just have to do our best in putting everything we can into following him and we will be blessed! Yeah! Simple. Have a stellar week and know a missionary in Germany is eternally grateful for your love, support and friendship. CONGRATS again to Nurpstee and Tanner!
1. Schwester Zimmer beaming with her new Temple Recommend!
2. We colored Easter eggs with a less active and her son Alex! Love Easter!
3. Thats Hany. Grillin with Ahmed
4. My crazy Egyptians, I love them, this picture doesnt do them justice, theyre hilarious
5. Easter eggs on the trees, yep all over Germany they hang easter eggs on the trees, I think we should bring it to America, what do you think??
it was the best Easter Sunday's of my life