
What is success? I think a simple answer could be, knowing you did, are and will follow the spirit your entire life. That defines success because its inevitable you will be successful in every aspect of your life when the Lord's opinion and guidance is the only one considered. Then miracles come! We have been blessed to feel successful in all the miracles Sister Scruggs and I have seen together in the last 6 weeks. I think the most prominate one is the fact we found a new person everyday for the past 5 weeks that wanted to learn more and set up an appointment to meet with us! What a miracle! They are all over this place people just looking for this same spirit and love of our Heavenly Father.
We worked hard this past transfer and laughed a WHOLE lot. Our district leader Elder Pauli from Switzerland is hilarious and is also a very hard working missionary so we (our whole district) were motivated to work hard together to achieve district goals. Im so grateful to be serving around such spiritual giants and hard workers. So Sister Scruggs is finalizing this week and traveling around Germany with her fam for a week and her homecoming is on June 26th at 10:50am Monument Park 15...shout out for Sister Scruggs. SO THAT MEANS IM STAYING HERE ANOTHER 6 WEEKS! Sister Madsen is coming to me from Celle, from the other side of the mission. We went into the MTC on the same day, and she was fast tracked, so we are close to the same age on the mission, we had a tausch in Freiberg when I first got here so I know her a little and am so excited for the miracles coming our way! She is great, her personality reminds me a little of Jenna Crowley if anyone remembers her, we'll see if my opinion changes, probably will but thats a good start :)
I feel so blessed to be serving in this little branch and I am feeling lately the Lord really using us! Haha, I am being stretched and it is good...where more is given more is expected I guess. We taught Relief Society on Sunday, then the pianist wasnt there so I accompanied for the meeting, then we found out the Missionaries will teach Scripture Class on Wednesday and we are getting ready for a big 'familien fest' where the missionaries play a big part, in advertising and getting investigators to come! Wow its a wonderful work and its so comforting remembering this is the Lord's work and as long as we are prepared we shall not fear. Tee hee, I love this branch dearly and it so funny to be the one staying, I have now had 3 companions here and will now have 4, I really feel apart of the family and am excited to serve these people with a little more love, boldness, power, diligence and charity in this next transfer!
I am so grateful for the knowledge of D&C 130:2And that same sociality which exists among us here will exist among us there, only it will be coupled with eternal glory, which glory we do not now enjoy.
We are promised to be with our families and friends forever....actually very soon! Our loved ones are close and the Lord will give us the hope and strength and peace we need while waiting for that sweet reunion.
Hope this email finds you happy and healthy and loving life, counting the sweet things in life and really feeling successful. If you arent feeling so successful lately, just find out the Lord's opinion on the matter and then follow the sometimes uncomfortable promptings of the spirit, then you will be filled with an overwhelming feeling of love, peace, JOY and success! Have a great week and know a missionary in Germany loves and appreciates you!
Liebe Gruße, Sister Rasmussen
1  Pday on the train back from sport...just took a drink and may be a little cross-eyed. Happy Pday!
2 We taught an old couple and the lady just gave us old necklaces and fruit when we left...we felt like we just ran away with pirate booty...crazy German ladies...
 3 Door to door on one of the cutest streets in Frankfurt-Oder. We decided this isnt really what Germany looks like, usually its more DDR looking and old, but here is a street that looks like what most people imagine Germany looking like :) 

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