Thank you for the letters and the love! I absolutely loved the letters and the packages have been such a blessing! Honestly the littlest message goes a long way, so THANK YOU!
I am SO blessed to be a missionary...especially now....there are so many changes, you're all going to freak out.....NEW DRESS STANDARDS FOR THE SISTERS!
100% honesty here, the official changes are....SISTERS DO NOT HAVE TO WEAR NYLONS! WAAHOOOO! Isnt that world shaking news?! I swear the female missionary imput will increase 30% just because of that new fact.. they also encourage feminitiy, with bright colors (not conservative any longer) nylons are preferred in the MTC on the days when we have visitors etc, but definitely not mandatory, oh its so exciting! The skirts length standard is changed as well! They do not have to be floor length, or mid calf, but just have to be able to cover the knee when sitting comfortably....yay! Isnt that such great news, okay maybe i'm more excited than you are, but i'm sure someone you know will be glad to know the news. so, sorry to say it, but I am asking to be sent some of thee little footie socks that I can wear with these stellar danskos, danke! oh its such great news, I'm also wondering if I can have a couple more colorful, a wee shorter skirts? If you can find them, if not, i'm going to like the most fashoinable city ever so i'm sure i'll find something there :)
ALSO! We were given a fireside by the director of missionary training (or something to that magnitude :) and there are new training/purpose changes from the first presidency that all the other 53,000 missionaries around the world and we were given.....mainly changing the focus on our whole purpose is to help the investigators establish and build upon THEIR relationship with Christ, the question isnt "how are you doing" (to the missionary) but "how are your investigators doing?" because if we're being obedient, thats all that needs to happen to be an instrument in the lord's hands and the spirit will teach them through us....yay!
ANOTHER ALSO...if you love me at all, you'll spare 10 minutes of your precious facebook/tv/wasted time and go onto for me? ITS NEW! Brand spankin new....just watch 3 of the "profiles" movie things, and you'll be hooked, they're just 3 minutes long about people around the world and they are SOOO cool! Theres this awesome artist well there's like 3 artists, but one man who sculpts motercycles for harvey davidson and its all about him and this awesome couple and their family oh its just lovely, so please watch them and show someone else. Thanks.
Dad, I thought of you when I read the scripture Mosiah 12:5 :) It was during my personal study at 7am...and I read it and chuckled. Oh silly dad. :)
We also, as sisters are lucky enough to watch music and the spoken word on Sundays, before our Relief Society meeting, and the pioneer song with the lyrics "happy day...all is well." wow it hit me hard this week, I am so grateful for them....I thought back on my experiences on trek and teared up thinking of my wittle brother carrying me across the river...oh I miss you Toph and that moment inpacted me for the rest of my life. I also thought of Kasandra today when we walked past a room playing music before some meeting (no one was in the room yet) and the music was the most gorgeous piano with guitar, I thought immediately of my little sister playing her new piano and Topher strumming his guitar and I missed you immensely, I 'accidentally' recorded a bit of it, so on the sd card i'm sending home today hopefully you can her the music in the backround, so music is so influencial and I love having hymns stuck in my head, its the oddest thing, but the first thing stuck in my head in the mornings is "there is sunshine in my soul today" how cliche is that?!? It blows my mind, but its the lord I know it. Im so grateful for it...
there was another song, i keep forgetting the title, a lot of you know it but it has the lyrics "my kindness shall not depart from thee" LISTEN TO affected me greatly....
A cool word today I learned was "Mein Schatz".....its a term of endearment like "honey, or sweetheart" it means "my treasure" awww. cute huh. Welp there ya go parents another name to call each other. :)
I really liked this quote.....hope you do too.....
So every week we have to prepare a talk (auf Deutsch naturlich) and then when Pres. Curtis announces the agenda of the meeting THAT DAY he tells us who is speaking, I havent been chosen yet, but we learned about Repentance (Umkehr) and a cool quote I got was....."The difference between you being BITTER or BETTER from a disappointment in you life is "I" ...if you stop focusing on yourself, your disappointments will make you BETTER not BITTER!" Cool eh.
So my purpose as a missionary is to "Invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and his atonement.....only 3 min so I wanted to tell it to you auf Deutsch....if I just abruptly end its because I ran out of time... :) Mein Ziel: Andrera einladen zu christus zu kommen, in den ich ihnen hilfe, das wiederhergestellte evangelium jesu christi anzuhnehmen, des geschict, wenn sie betreffenden glauben an jesus chrristus und sein suhnopfer uben, uhmkeren, sich taufen lassen, die gabe des hieleigen geistes empfangen und bis aus ende ausharren. 
Phew I finnished, sorry no capiltalization and some missedspelled words, this huge RED timer is just blinking at me 1 minute left so I want you all to you know how incredible this mission is so far and yesterday was my one month anniversary! WHAT?!? crfazy. I love it, I love you and my savior. Have a lovely week! Work hard. Peace!

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