I'm leaving on a jet plane..

Happy Thursday!
So heres the low down....
Delta flight 94 departing from SLC 8:40am to JFK landing at 3:30. Then departing from JFK at 7:05pm to Berlin, Germany TXL landing at 9:40am!!!! WOOT! So what should a do pops? Buy a calling card or what? Shall I call at 6am when we get to the airport in slc? or wait til we get to nyc? I'll do whatever, I want to talk to the fam all at once, but if ppl arent home then let me know who will be where? It'll be 1:30 here when I land in nyc right? So i'll call around then?? Please dearelder.com me back what you want me to do!
I'm sending two boxes of stuff home to post mart so thank you! I think i'm ready! We got a really sweet compliment, I can tell the spirit is working through us. Sister Hamblin and I taught a girl whos little sister is in our zone (yes they saw eachother cute) but the cooler part was she had served in the Berlin mission a year and a half ago! So her German was super good, and it was really great teaching her, but apparently she wrote her little sister who is here with us and told her that sister hamblin and I have amazing German!!!!! What a compliment, I know the lord is blessing me, I cannot believe in 9 weeks I can talk to people for hours about the magnificent plan the lord has for us, Ooooo and its so close I can almost taste it!
Its been a little difficult trying to focus, especially when my teacher Bruder Orton says "well Brother Zibetti (our other teacher) and I were planning what to teach and well, YOU'RE ready! We dont have anything else to teach you!" How exciting is that??? SO we're spending this last week just teaching the teachers and we're having a Wunderbar wochenende and our goal is 50 lessons for our zone. Oh Its so close, thank you for all your support!!
Speaking of support, I can feel your prayers, so thank you for them, I know i'm demanding, but I was curious instead of praying for me will you pray for my investigators, or when you pray for the missionaries, instead pray for their investigators?? The missionaries are fine! We are in the Lords hands and the Lord takes care of his missionaries, but its our investigators who need the millions of prayers and faith. Yay, thats who i'm praying for, maybe you could throw one in for my future compainion too, ooo I meet my trainer in like 5 days! ahhhh!
So we heard we get to do the coolest thing when we get there....I'll let you know if its true, but what we heard is....we get to the mission home, drop off our bags (oh there are 24 of us going to Berlin...that'll be one protected flight!) and we take a train to the Berlin wall....we then go the park nearby it and separate, and find a spot secluded all to ourselves and dedicate ourselves to the mission from that moment on......THEN when we leave the mission we go to the same spot and release ourselves...COOL! Oh I cannot wait to meet President and Sister Pimentel.
So my mom brought up a good point, that if faith can move mountains, faith definitely can soften the hearts of the German people. So if any of you reading this do, or know people who have an opinion that "Germany or Europe is a "tough" mission" Please change your mindset, I know it isnt true and we're going to ROCK IT over there.
I heard this week that...Anything worthwhile is hard. Anything important to you isnt cheap....just like Elder Holland said, Salvation isnt cheap, it wasnt cheap in Gethsemanie and it isnt cheap now, this is the real thing! So I remember the days of procrastinating changing and I promise it will so good to set some goals and commit and lift that burden of whatever it is that is keeping you from being more christlike....cause thats the point right? Its so incredible the perspective that we get here.... we need to make not new year resolutions, but life long resolutions and never change, like "I will read my scriptures every day for the rest of my life" and then do it! and wow, I hope I can see that change happen in many people's lives in Germany.
Wow sorry there are too many emotions I cant really think of much to type, Its been awesome hosting new missionaries and starting packing, its becoming real! I'm not scared because I have Christ with me the whole time! But your letters do help so here's my address to the mission home to help me stay motivated :)
Sister Kimberly Danielle Rasmussen
Germany Berlin Mission
Zerbster Strasse 42
12209 Berlin
Phone: 49-30-7152-2807
Yay! Kasandra will you put that on the good ol facebook? Danke! MOM thanks for the box of lovliness! I think i'm ready and I'm so stoked. We were told that a lesson we taught in the TRC was the best experience that "investigator" (teacher who acts as an investigator they had on their mission" had had in his whole time he had worked at the TRC (which was over a year) so that is because of the spirit and because we're being obedient....thats the key so i'm going to keep on keeping on and doing it with the spirt and with style and you do the same and get into those scripts, they are here for us and will make you HAPPIER! I'm not making that up, cause its happening to me!!!
I know with my whole heart that this gospel is true and that it is the way I can live with my family for eternity, and that the holy Ghost is just a foretaste to the joy we will feel of eternal life! hope that made sence, if not study up on the Holy Ghost :)
Okay welp, next email you'll get from me will be from DEUTSCHLAND! YAYY!!!
I love you family! Thank you for all the support!
no more dear elder after Monday!!!!
Have a lovely week, until next time!!
Auf wiedersehen!
-Sister Rasmussen

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