Schöne Woche!! September 13th rainyday..

Yep its rainy and beautíful here!! The past two days were perfect temperature, cool wolken (clouds) and sunshine,we had an amazing eating appointment yesterday with Schwester  Lohman, outside on her deck place, she made the most fresh italian meal ive ever eaten, everyone here has little gardens and grow their own vegetables. We had an amazing salad with fresh mozerella tomatoes, brushetta she made herself and this cheezy tomatoey saucey vegetablely amazingnesson top of  noodles. Oh and then yogurt (anyone whos been to Germany or mom, knows the yogurt here is like NOTHING in the US) with this cherry glaze cherry delicious something. The funny thing was Bruder Adolf was there too, so me and sister singer and those two, His wife died a year ago, and shes been divorced for about 3 years, id say their probably.....70? years old? Well they we TOTALLY FLIRTING! Basically it was them talking and Sister Singer and I were just there. :) haha, okay it wasnt that bad, we had some really  spiritual conversations, but I definitely got my chick flick fill for the mission wow.

I had my first ZONE KONFERENZ! We went with Sven Apel (hes the executive secretary in the mission presidency) and he´s one of the gorgeous Apel kids (remember, the temple president and his 4 kids all live in this ward, Sven is the youngest and has 3 kids) He and Sister Singer gave a workshop to the Ehepaars, (senior married couples) for the temple information center, and so we drove with him to Dresden. It was cool to see all the missionaries in the Dresden and Leipzig Zones...lots of cool sisters, I was the only Golden sister, and there were 4 other Golden elders, Elder Carlson was the only one from my mtc district. I also saw Elder you saw his mom at postmart? Yeah anyway, we had some really spiritual workshops, Elder Ballard came to our mission (up in Hamburg) andhe spoke with the missionaries there and Präsident Pimentel told us all that he said...a cool quote was ' Conversion starts with what they feel, not with what they know.'  Pretty awesome lesson. We had lunch there are were taught by präsident, the aps the zone leaders, Sister Pimentel and then had a quick sisters mtg at the end. It was such a boost and really fun to see more missionaries. It was refreshing though to come back home to Freiberg and hit the streets with a new fire and more to  work on and implement.
Really exciting news we got 8 NEW INVESTIGATORS! And then Ding Ge is progressing too, so 9 right now! >YAY! The bulk of that group is the Widodo family. A sweet family of 5 from Indonesia, we only counted 4 of them as investigators, because little Rio is only 6. . . They are so humble. We first ansprached (street contacted) Salamet (the dad)a week and half ago, he speaks broken English and even worse German, but made out an appt with him for this last week... When we walked up to the apt bldg, He and a little girl were on the balcony waiting for us, they buzzed us in an 5 people greeted us with big smiles...very welcoming...their apartment is so bare. All their shoes lined the entry wall, and as we walked into the main room all they had was one big round carpet and two small prayer rugs in the corner, THATS IT. Not even a light on the ceiling....their groceries lined the other wall, and there wasnt very much. . .The oldest brother Basith speaks really good english...andwhen we gave them the Book of Mormon in Indonesian they all looked through it and little Ayu was very interested (shes 9 I think) we gave them a little intro of the Book of Mormon and told them about Joseph Smith....Juliana (the mom) couldnt understand us at all, but had a sweet big smile on her face the whole time...I know they felt the spirit, and they scheduled another appointment with us for Saturday. This last time only the dad and the two youngest kidswere home and we all sat on the rug again and they brought out a plate of grapes and a plate of kitkats. Oh and two cups of orange juice. SO SWEET. They are muslim andstill have a verz different perception of God, but they are reading in the Book of Mormon and so it will be slow, but the Lord has definitely blessed us with this family!!
Another AWESOME AWESOME experience was this last Friday last week we ansprached a chinese girl named Li, she was a little hmmm whats the word defensive? when we first talked to her, but she speaks a little english too and we ended up laughing together on the street, talkingabout our first names randomly and then asked if we could  meet with her and bring her this book in chinese this last friday, she agreed and we didnt know what to expect....On friday evening we went and she let us in. She remembered our first names and where we were from! She got us water, and was sooo sweet! She showed us pictures of her hometown in China, and said shes been studying here for 10 years... she is Evangelisch (like everyone else around here) and goes to chuch every week, believes in God and that Christ is the son of God, but thinks listening to a priest read out of the bible every week is super boring....WELL YEAH!!!!!! haha, so she has a really strong base, and we gave her the book, read a little bit in the intro, and she seemed excited to read it! We then talked about prayer and she said she hadnt really ever prayed, we taught her how and kneeled in her little apartment ( ON THE FIRST LESSON MIND YOU) and she said she would try it alone on her own. She invited us back for this next week andsaid shed make us dinner! Shes so sweet and so prepared, I know the Lord has hundreds of people like Li here in Freiberg, and we are going to find them! YAY!
Ding Ge is our other progressing investigator and wow shes so great. She was excited to tell us what she learned from Moroni 7 this past week and said she had prayed for help on her tests (in her head) and she did well, so she took that as an answer that God was there, we're still helping her strengthen her relationship with God and Christ, but its coming and her faith is building quickly!  She asks super great questions and we talked about lesson 3 this lastweek, how we get back to heavenly, repentance...and du du du duuuuh BAPTISM! She said she wasnt sure she was ready when we asked her if shed be baptized, she said 'isnt that a serious thing?' haha she had said 'its like unlocking the door to heaven?' YEAH DING GE! Exactly what it is....She said shed think about coming to church this next week and GUESS WHAT!? She knows LI! So theyre both goingto come to  church and then they can speak Chinese together and wow. I just love this work...
Daliwal is another man we are working with, hes from India and doesnt really have a religion, he has a lot of beliefs but seems very open. He lives in the refugee house, and is so great, he doesnt have very much but what he does have he takes very good care of, I think he has like 3 button up shirts, and the 3 times weve seen him hes worn his purple one,but they all look brand new and clean, his little apt has a big poster of a horse, and everzthing is in its place, he said hed read the Book of Mormon in the next three weeks and is coming to church this Sunday (we are praying he does.)  Sorry that was a little vague, but its so exciting I can seem to describe it. I love being a missionary and Sister Singer is the best!
This last Friday was her BIRTHDAY! The big 22...we celebrated in the morning, I decorated a bit while she was in the shower, and we had waffles and freiberg eierscheke yogurt and listened to Enya, it was great. Shes so funny, like I said before shes from Texas, the city of Spring, right outside of Houston.... We found a Texas pizza at Kaufland and she took a picture by it haha. Oh and we have a song that we belt all the time in our little wohnung. She has a super strong testimony and super good German.  Im so blessed to have her as my mom. haha, this morning she woke up with a swollen eye (i promise i didnt hit her) hahahaha oh it was so sad, but so funny, she couldnt open her right eye and we took a picture she looks totally asain. We laugh all day long and keep eachother happy and hopefull.......I JUST FOUND OUT SHES LEAVING ME! Okay so we have tauscheslike twice a transfer where you spend 24 hourswith a different sister.....well of couse I was going to leave her and go with another more experienced missionary right? and shed stay cause im a golden...right? NOPE! Shes going to Dresden and Sister Madson who has only been out two transfers herself is coming to me in Freiberg!!! Wahoooo this should be fun! This will be on Thursday to if I die...that is why, we both couldnt speak German and couldnt servive. Actually to be honest Im excited, I know Sister Madson as good German (she was fastrackedfrom the MTC) and we have English class and other funthingsthat we should survive through....
Well we were going to go hiking by the czech boarder, but its rainy so maybe next week, I feel the Lord blessing meso much, and I feel all your prayers, THANKYOU for all the love and support and for being so amazing. The Freiberg Geminde (ward) is so strong and I cant wait to DOUBLE IT ;) Have an exceptional week! Talk to you soon!
Happy Birthday Dad!
~Sister Rasmussen

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