Sleeping Giant....

Hello Happy Thursday!
So. . . too much to talk about. Where to start, FLEAS. So imagine you put 20 fleas in a jar, and you can feel them tapping the top of the lid trying to jump out...yeah? Well after a day or so they'll keep jumping but they wont hit the top anymore...they've trained themselves to keep jumping yes, but not to hit their heads....well if you take the lid off they'll never jump out, because they've trained themselves to now not jump that high...and on top of that, if they have kids, they train them to jump just that high as well so they dont hit their heads either! Sweet right? Well actually thats bad, they'll never jump out, and we relate that to missionary work of course. So its like the senior companions, they get rejected and hit their heads, and they stop trying/stop jumping and then train their "kids" their junior companions to not hit their heads either and slowly the quality of missionary work declines because junior companions aquire most of the traits of their trainers, some good and some bad! SOOooo we need to not be afraid of hitting our heads and keep going.. When i'm in Germany I figure i'll have to get through 1000 rejections before someone listens (numbers estimated) so yeah a rejection will hurt, but yay its one person closer to the person that will listen!
Speaking of Germany....whoever said "oooo that'll be a hard listen, GOOD LUCK" well, thanks but no Germany isnt a "hard" mission, I'm so so stoked to go, I know maybe in the past its been "hard/no baptisms" but times are changing, its the last days and every year we're getting closer, but enough with my own words...President Uchtdorf said "Germany is the SLEEPING GIANT" of missionary work, one day it will rival South America in the baptism rate" yeah! I think the Giant is slowly waking and I'm going to do that, so another quote I like and hope you all like as well....
I'm not afraid of storms for i'm learning to sail my ship.
Sorry dont know who its written by. Cool huh!? We arent afraid of trials or problems, or hard things because we're learning to sail our ships! Some other cool things this week...the General Primary President came and spoke to us, Sister Wixon? Yeah we got to hug her and she was so inspiring, the Primary Children are in good hands. There's a new primary song! heard it? Hope so! ITs lovely.
I like the lyrics of the hymn: More holiness give me....what do you think....
More faith in my savior
More sense in his care
More pride in his glory
More home in his word
More savior like thee.....
Gorgeous lyrics I think. Hope we can aspire to all of those.
SO I got to speak in sacrament meeting (abendsmals versammlung) all auf Deutsch! I felt the spirit and I know the language was simple but I know the lord is blessing the missionaries and the spirit knows how to speak German a whole lot better than I do, so it went well!
We got to watch the Joseph Smith movie this last Sunday. Will you all do something for me? Will you take your friend, significant other, spouse, wannabe spouse someone to the Joseph Smith movie this week?! PLEASE!? It is such a testimony builder. That man did more, save Jesus Christ, than any other man... I know that is true. I know that Joseph Smith saw Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father and he restored the true church to the earth and WE get to be apart of it! I hope you can feel how powerfully I know this is true through the email....but I do, and if you dont know it, you can, no one is forcing you, you get to choose, just willingly pray believing and be willing to act on the answer you get, and you'll know! I cannot wait to share that with the German people! I know that we all lived with our Heavenly Father before this, YOU did. He held you and said your name, and said you were ready, he said " my child, I love you so much, I know you're prepared to go down there on earth, and I know you love me and my beloved son Jesus Christ, we will help you the entire time, so hurry up, go choose the right, i'll give you all the blessings you ask for, and then come on back home okay?" and you agreed! You're here! And he's so happy you're happy! and he's right next to you when you're sad, and he wants you to come home quickly with your beloved family and he'll bless you the whole time. WOW! I am so grateful for my savior. and to have more scripture to read, more promises and guidance how to get back to him....the Book of Mormon is incredible and we have to DRINK DEEPLY from it....
Thanks for listening....We hosted the new missionaries yesterday, so crazy and we get our flight plans today...sadly we havent gotten them yet so you'll have to wait til next thursday for the plan, but if you want me to call you please tell my MOM on fb or something, and hopefully someone will send me one dear elder with all the phone numbers? I'll call who I can!! We leave on the 24th and I know we'll have at least one layover if not I cannot wait, sadly no family can come to the airport but I can call yO!U!!! WOOOT!??! When did this happen? those 9 weeks FLEWWWWWWWW~! But i'm stoked and so grateful for everyone's support and love.
THANK YOU FOR THE PACKAGE FAMILY!!!!!!! The socks were very much needed and the new skirts are perfect as well. :) I'll be sending stuff home and maybe you can send me some more "dove body spray" red bottle, some more tan nylons, maybe another bottle of vanilla lotion, hmmm I cant think of what I needed I guess i'll just get it over there!!! oh maybe some brown sperry shoes :) okay bye
I dont deseve the incredible family I have, thank you for being so amazing and I miss you dearly, but I'm loving being a missionary!!!!!!!!
(congrats to Brittney Beecher, Hailey Schroeder, Hollie Odekirk, Creighton Hardy, Sydney Monson, Topher Rasmussen, Samwise, Mama and Papa for all the cool stuff you're doing)
I LOVE YOU KARA CATHLEEEEEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck with the wart ;) hahaha.
Moroni 8:3
Phil 4:13
D&C 6:36
1COR 13
Okay gtg.
-Sister Rasmussen.

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