(disclaimer: I only have 16 min, i'm super frustrated with this email system, so next weeks email will be in better spirits now that I know what I'm doing.)
There is so much to say! Happy Thursday!! I cannot believe i've been here 8 days! I feel like I just got dropped off, and at the same time I feel like i've been here forever. The schedule...is so great, I love staying busy and so whatever horror stories you've heard of the MTC, they arent true! haha. The rumors are true, we had the first presidency here last week! I didnt get to see Pres. Monson, but there were some elders in the other district that got to pass the sacrament to him, so great! BUT we did have a devotional where elder Oaks spoke to us...ahhh that TIMER is so annoying!!! I want to tell you all the funny stories but I feel so rushed..okay get over it Sister Rasmussen :)
My companion is SO GREAT! We decided we were friends before this sometime and have now found each other haha, i'll take some pics today and send them home to Kasandra to post, but send the SD card back asap! We work really well together and have great laughs. The other sisters in our zone are all so incredible, we have the best time before bed, laughing and talking and motivating each other.
Our whole district is great, there are 10 of us, sister Hamblin and I being the only sisters in the room. They are all great Elders working hard, we've all became a family and love it. Our teachers, Brother Zibetti, Brother Evans and Brother ORton are all great teachers and are hilarious. They all served in Germany or Switzerland and speak great deutsch, its so odd because these Elders are 19, my teachers are like 22-24 and I'm used to hanging with people the average age of 24/25??? But its good, I'm trying to think of all the funny stories, but i'm so intimidated by this timer, i'm all sweaty haha. Calm down, okay...ahhh only 10 min left! Well WIR SIND HAMMER, is our district motto, basically meaning we're the bomb auf Deutsch.
The FOOD is great. I cant believe people complain, going from living on my own and Nat's cooking, ;) to this amazing huge meals everytime is a trasition.. Sister H and I have a goal of only one dessert a day and we're keeping eachother eating healthy, also during our gym time, we either can run in front of the temple etc, play on the field, or inside the gym we have been running around the track and doing strength training! I jogged a mile yesterday YES! haha pathetic but oh well. So there is way too much to say and not enough time in the email, and i cant seem to find a good way to get you the mass list I want to send you, so i'll figure it out, but I'm writing letters today so if i randomly close my email then expect a letter because we have the next 3 ish hours to write.....but THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH for the packages and dear elder mail and letters, I cant explain the amazing feeling I get when there is mail, and that awesome yellow smiley face box was definitely a sight to see haha. I'm so grateful for the flip flops and shorts, now im not dying of heat in gym and i wont get some nasty food disease in the shower! haha, no really the showers are okay. Its crazy getting to go to sleep at 10:30, it takes me forever to wind down my mind to sleep, all i've been doing before I sleep is think of all I want to say to you guys and this is defininitely not the funny charming eloquent email I wrote last night in my dreams, so sorry AH 5 minutes.... um....I'm so so stoked about the new mormon.org, check it out PLEASE for me I think like after July 4th orsomething, its going to be so sweet!!! OH and HAPPY 4th OF JULY!!! I dont know what we get to do for it, but hopefully something! I'll be thinking of yoU!!!!!!! um A sister referred to the first Sister AP's in her mission in the mission video, so I need to find out if its true dad, I will be one :) haha, AHHH I am just going to write the deutsch i've learned in the last 3 minutes and you all can ooo and ahhh at how much i've learned!
Ich weiss dass unser kirche jesu christi der heiligen der letsdten tage wahr ist, ich weiss dass Joseph Smith ein propheten war und wir konnen mit unser familian fur immer leben! Ich weiss dass wir haben ein vater im himmel and er liebt uns! ahh i'm so much better then that, I can pray and almost teach the first lesson auf deutsch!  i'm just going to close now and say i'll be writing you all much more eloquent letters and let you know how happy I am and how much I miss and love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Thursday again and I promise next weeks email will be much better, remember you can only hear from me on thursday s but i get mail everyday ahh! Tschuss!!!!!!

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