Sunset means I love you!

Guten Tag! Deutschland in T-minus 2.5 weeks!!! When did this happen?
We're officially the oldest in the mtc (for the 9 weekers) and we get our travel plans next Thursday! Crazy eh!? Then i'll be flying outta here! Its a bittersweet thought, I really am loving the MTC. Its a great thing to learn the concept of "Serving the savior and not just serving time." So I'm jsut giong to write cool thought's i've had this week, if that's alright. :)
So we know who wrote the children's song "Follow the Prophet"- Brother Hyatt right mom? Something like that, well that song and "Childs prayer" or was it "teach me to walk in the light" lol or are those the same? by Clara McMaster right? Its so amazing singing these songs auf Deutsch and feeling somewhat of a connection to them. I reccomend listening to these two songs, they've brought me the spirit for sure this week. I'm loving singing with my district, we have all 4 parts w/i our district and have recieved several compliments even from President Curtis on the quality of singing and how fun it is to sing with us, I love the hymns, especially auf Deutsch!!
I LOVE this quote..... Dont sit on a plateau of mediocrity. What do you think? Sadly I dont remember where it's from, but its so true, there is always someting we can all be working on, I've loved focusing on the qualities of Christ and trying to improve on those, virtue, patience, knowledge, charity and love, ahhh i can think of the others, but they're all so beautiful and studying the scriptures focusing on these attributes and then focusing on them during the week has been so great for me, I reccoment that to you too! 

A few of my closest friends/family know I love the scriptures that refer to little children, like 3 nephi 17:24.... I love how Christ embraces the little ones and tells us to be like little children and its SO TRUE. I've felt with the spirit so close i've really come to the innocence of a little child which really should be the goal of all of us! We shouldnt do, say or be anything that we couldnt say watch or be in front of the kids. There shouldnt ever be "Adult" approved movies or books or even least thats my thoughts and I hope i'm on the right track with that :)
I really loved this scripture from 1 nephi.... "They peace been as a river and they righteousness as the waves of the sea" - it sounded so peacefull and I wanted it in my life, I know we can have this through the gospel and living the commandments as best we can and not settling for mediocrity....
Oh oh oh  and we learned another cool thing from 2 nephi, i forgot which chapter exactly so you'll have to look, but it says misery is the opposite of happiness, and then a couple sentances later it then says misery is the opposite of holiness as well....MEANING HOLINESS=HAPPINESS!! What? I know! SO cool! I know that has been the truth in my life that when I am in the temple or in holy places then I am my happiest, I know the lord blesses us with happiness and joy when we are following his commandments and coming closer to his son through prayer and reading the holy scripts. I love the scriptures, I've been underlining "the lord" and wow.....I never realized HOW OFTEN the lord is brought up! You should try it, just read like 6 pages and see how many times....its incredible, the Book of Mormon is 100% another testament of Jesus Christ, I know if we read it the we will be blessed, I cannot wait to show it to the Deutschers! around 7:45-8:00 at night I glance out our small rectangle window in our classroom of lovliness and I can see the reflection of the sunset in the windows across from us :) Thats when I remember "sunset means I love you" thanks family for reminding me of that!!!! SPEAKING OF THE WEATHER HASNT IT BEEN PHENOMENAL LATELY!?!? As you you know i'm in love with the dark rolling clouds and the lightning and thunder, its been awesome here, definitely a good change and I hear thats how Germany is so.....SCORE!
Jarom Chung played "I know that my redeemer lives" in the devotional on Sunday! All you waterfordians would know who that is, he was so great, its fun seeing him here, as well as Daniel Claftin ICC peeps, hes still a stud and I took a pic w/ him hopefully you got that. and last night Kaitlyn Gallager passed me in the hall SHE'S IN THE ROOM NEXT TO ME! (from my singles UVU ward) wooot! I love missionary work and especailly knowing a couple people here. Its fantastische!
So the temple again today....I LOVE IT!!! It honestly is heaven on earth, please please go if you havent in awhile and if you arent then something needs to change because there is NOTHING better and NOTHING like it! There is no other way to fill in that void we have other than to go to the house of the Lord and of course he'll bless us when we go, its so incredible how many blessings we get! Honestly they wont stop, this gospel is so true and I can say that merely based on the fact that if we do what our Heavenly Father asks we'll be blessed....because the blessings keep coming! Heavenly Father wants us to be happy.....he has hundreds of blessings just waiting up there to give us, so if you arent feeling happy....well something else needs to change because thats the point of being here!! Our Heavenly Father loves us so much, and this plan he has for us is so beautiful, I cannot wait to live forever with my family and Im so excited to share that with Germany!!!!!
I know this is all possible because Jesus Christ's sacrifice. Ich bin sehr dankbar fur das suhnopfer and Ich weiss das is moglich nur durch Jesus Christus. Ich habe viel lieb fur ihm und fur meine familie and fur SIE!
Haben Sie ein shones tag! (missing umlauts!)
Sister Rasmussen
Phil 4:13

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