ich weiß das mein erlöser lebt.

Greetings loved ones! Guten Tag!!
Wow I love this place. Can I just tell you ints the wierdest phenomenon being in a huge laundry room with like 100 washers and driers, no windows, hearing the purr of driers and random whistled hymns, the smell of drier sheets and crammed skinny tables with 40 missionaries scrambling to finish precious letters to girfriends, mothers and siblings...its definitely unforgettable, i'm sure all you RM's remember.
I cannot believe i've been here 5 weeks (since yesterday) whaaa? I first feel like "wow, i thought its been 8 months, or depending on the hour, I swear I just hugged my mama yesterday." But our next round of missionaries are leaving on Monday- 5:30 am..... then we'll be the oldest!!! I am going to miss these elders/sisters too, but they're going to the alpine mission, so not quite as bittersweet as last time. :) So my departure date is AUGUST 23rd! WOW! Crazy eh? oh and we just learned that Germany has Christmas decorations out starting in September, so when we get there it will all start coming out... yay! Did you know Germany has 3 days of Christmas! Yeah! 
So this last week we had "Fantastische Freitag" (Fantastic Friday) Where all we did was teach in the T.E. alllll dayyyy longggg. We had 9 appointments. It was SO GREAT! Sister Hamblin and I taught lesson 1 3 times and lesson 2 twice, and the other 4 were contacting and door approaches etc....anyway we taught lesson 1 Auf Deutsch! It went SO WELL! We've learned how to smoothly transition between companions and also have learned the valuable lesson that WE DONT DO ANYTHING. . . the spirit does it all. (All you RMs are nodding your heads) but its true! The spirit leads the discussion...when we were teaching auf deutsch we tauchg PEOPLE not a LESSON...thats the key...we just got to know "stephan" and we addressed his concerns and taught a lot about prayer....and testified that I have prayed and have felt Gods love and know that die Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage wahr ist! (is true!) then when we were teaching "Kimiko" we talked about lesson two (plan of salvation) but mainly talked about the atonement ad thats what she needed to hdhear...when we were finnished she siad "ell sisters, i'm sure you can think of things you need to work on, but I have no feedback for you, you fufilled your purpose of inviting me to come unto christ and I definitely would keep my commitments." We also taught yesterday our "progressive investigator" which is a teacher acting like one of their investigators from their mission, so it was very real, we all cried, the teacher even, and she said the same thing, I dont have any feedback, you addressed my concern and I felt the spirit......AHHHHH I'm so grateful to know the key to missionary work is to just be obedient. I know we got that feedback because we have been getting up on time and going to sleep on time, and just being obedient, thats the only reason we could teach with the spirit, ahhh i cant wait to do it for real!!
So how'd you like mormon.org?!? You all watched the movies on it right?!? Hope so. Its so cool seeing what awesome people are members of our church....I reccommend it.
So WE FINIALLY GOT TO GO TO THE TEMPLE TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If youknow me at all, you know that is my favorite thing in the world. It was so incredible, they redid a lot of the provo temple and it was so gorgeous, I feel so much peace and love from the Lord....the really cool thing to was we were in the room that we cleaned! ROOM 4....we cleaned the alter with a toothpick and cutip last week!!! Its incredible how impeccably clean the lords house is....but even cooler was, we got to clean all the vases in the celetial room....if you go to the Provo temple celestial room....all the glass/gold vases....that was me and sister hamblin! I was the only one with a hand small enough to clean the inside, so check it out, see if you approve of my cleanliness. It is so beautiful in there, and it was such a blessing to go. I sure cant wait to go to the Freiburg Temple!
So I had a little daydream, metaphor thang I made up today while waiting for our session, sorry if it makes no sense....but here goes.
You know those doors between the kitchen and restaurant? (like on ratatoulli??) The restaurant doors with the circle window!? Okay, well you're looking through that window and Christ is on the other side...or the celestial kingdom is on the other side....your family and celestial glory....(me and my OCD clean self) we need to keep that window SPOTLESS to always be focused on Christ and our goal, sometimes satan gets our window dirty, or we slowly let it get layers of dust or nastiness so we cant see our goal clearly...like some elders here just have a layer of homesickness that they cant quite see what their purpose is.... so we need to keep all of the window clean and not focus on the crappy, nasty gross things that go on (get on our window) but keep it clean and ignore the adversary's attempts to distract us and keep our eye single to the glory of God and our goal of getting back to him with our families.
I love this gospel and my savior, Im loving the hymns, "I know that my redeemer lives, nearer my God to thee, I believe in Christ" listen to them for me?
Thank YOU for the letters and skirts and love! I need to send back two of the skirts (too wittle) but i'm really bitter to do it so please please see if youc an get a size bigger cause I love them so much!!!! the socks are perfect, and will someone please fwd this to hollie....dont have her address. Thanks. Im going to send the package to postmart, hope dad can go get it today or tomorrow? I dont know how it works, but there ya go daddio so thank you! itll be there today or tomorrow. xoxo!
Ich habe VIEL lieb fur sie!
Okay welp gtg, here goes another week!
Moroni 8:3.
-Sister Rasmussen

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